Multivitamin – multimineral pertama di dunia – Vitalized Minerals


Dr. Shaklee opened his first practice in Rockwell City, Iowa in 1915. He spoke to his patients about their diets, which was unusual for the time, and devised detailed nutrition diaries to monitor patient’s progress.
Dr Shaklee’s first product in 1915 was called “Vitalized Minerals” in which he isolated natural compounds from vegetables for their mineral values. He was joined in the same year and kept contact with the young Polish biochemist, Casimir Funk, who called his compounds “vitamins”.
This was the first use of the word vitamins.
Vitalized Minerals – Is now called Vita-Lea


WhatsApp / TG / PM for product info or to order.
Azura Abdul
019 668 6767
Mac 16, 2016

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